Hainan Zhongxin Chemical Co., Ltd.

Main products: collagen ,wheat gluten ,Solar EVA film ,agar agar ,hydrochloric acid

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Hainan Zhongxin Chemical Co., Ltd. (short as ZXCHEM) was founded in 1995. Since then, we have strived to meet the requirements of our customers through meeting their needs, purchasing a wide range of chemicals and providing value-added services for clients worldwide. Headquartered in Haikou, ZXCHEM has endeavored to provide professional service in chemical industry. Due to quick responsiveness, quality products and a team of professionals, ZXCHEM has developed quickly and become a one stop sourcing solution and service provider for many partners worldwide. We have four plants, details are as follows: 1)Jiangsu TetraChem Co., Ltd (cycloaliphatic epoxy resins) 2)Zhejiang Sinopont Technology Co., Ltd (EVA film ) 3)Guangxi Tengxian Zhongxin Chemical Co., Ltd(Ferrous Sulphate Monohydrate, Copper Sulphate etc. ) 4)Jiangxi Cosen Biochemical Co., Ltd.(collagen, gelatin) Please view more detailed info about our plants from our website

Basic Information

Business TypeManufacturer,Trading Company
Company NameHainan Zhongxin Chemical Co., Ltd.
Factory LocationRm. 901, Bldg. 6, No. 509
Factory SizeBelow 1,000 square meters
Main MarketsNorth America , South America , Mid East , Eastern Europe , Africa , South Asia , Northern Europe , Central America , Western Europe
Main Productscollagen ,wheat gluten ,Solar EVA film ,agar agar ,hydrochloric acid
Number of Workers101 - 200 People
We Providecollagen ,wheat gluten ,Solar EVA film ,agar agar ,hydrochloric acid
Year Established1999

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